What to Expect At Optimum Physical Therapy
Your treatment begins with a focused evaluation, which includes health history and overall health assessment. Please be sure you have all forms completed prior to your first visit. If you haven’t had time to complete the forms please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. A physical examination is then conducted to assess your areas of concern and injury.
Goal Setting
Using information gathered during the evaluation, you and your therapist will establish a treatment plan and therapy goals designed to help you achieve recovery as quickly and safely as possible.
Your treatment program will initially focus on relieving your symptoms and stabilizing your condition. This will be accomplished during your visits with us as well as on your own at home. Treatment will then progress to strengthening and regaining maximum movement and function. Exercise and strengthening programs are tailored to meet your individual goals and aid in this process. In addition, you will learn ways to prevent future problems and maintain health.
help to assure achievement of your goals
You are the primary focus of our care and your active participation is essential to a successful rehabilitation program. The following are suggestions of how you can help to assure achievement of your goals.
Follow Through
Follow through with all prescribed home exercise programs.
Tell your physical therapist any changes in symptoms, medication, and function.
Keep ALL scheduled appointments
Arrive on time to all appointments to provide maximum time with your therapists.
We ask that you wear comfortable clothing to each physical therapy treatment. You will need to be able to move freely. Depending on the area we are treating, exercise clothing is most appropriate.